Connections are used to connect logiccloud runtimes with oder services and hardware. When editing a runtime, the connections settings open on the right hand side.
๐๏ธ ctrlX
1 item
๐๏ธ InfluxDB
With the InfluxDB Connector, you can easily write your process variables to an InfluxDB time series database. To do this, a new connection with the type InfluxDB must be created.
๐๏ธ Modbus RTU
๐๏ธ Modbus TCP
logiccloud Control Runtimes on your Edge devices can be connected to your I/Os or other devices via Modbus. To do this, a new Modbus connection must be created and parameterised in the connection settings of the respective runtime.
๐๏ธ MQTT
You can access data through MQTT and map it to your program variables. To do so, a new connection of type MQTT must be created.
๐๏ธ Node-RED
The Node-RED Connector consists of 3 nodes:
๐๏ธ OPC UA Client
logiccloud Control runtimes can act both as an OPC UA Client and Server. If you want to use logiccloud Control as OPC UA Client, add a new OPC UA Client connection.
๐๏ธ OPC UA Server
logiccloud Control runtimes can act both as an OPC UA Client and Server. If you want to use logiccloud Control as OPC UA Server, add a new OPC UA Server connection.
๐๏ธ Raspberry Pi
If your logiccloud Control Runtime is running on a Raspberry Pi, you can control the GPIOs directly. To do this, a new connection with the type Raspberry Pi must be created.
๐๏ธ SAP
logiccloud Control can connect to an SAP web service to publish process variables.
๐๏ธ Sparkplug
You can also establish the connection to your devices via Sparkplug B. General information on Sparkplug B can be found here.