In order to install logiccloud Control on your WAGO CC100 device, you must first deactivate the CODESYS Runtime and install Docker on your CC100. You can find the instructions here: Install Docker on WAGO CC100. You can find video instructions from WAGO on YouTube.
Install Docker on your WAGO CC100
The latest firmware for the WAGO CC100 already contains Docker. You can easily activate Docker via the WAGO interface. Instructions for updating the firmware can be found in your manual.
- download the latest Docker Runtime for the CC100: Docker Runtime for CC100 Under Releases on the right side you will find the latest version
- next, log in on your device by calling up the
Device IP
in the browser, for examplehttps://
. The default access data areadmin
. - click on Configuration and then Clock and check the set system time. This must be correct for the installation to work.
- click on Networking and add a DNS server under TCP/IP Configuration, for example the one from Google with the IP
, so that the images can be loaded from the Docker Hub. - click on Netowrking and activate the IP Forwarding through multiple interfaces option under Routing.
- click on Software Uploads and upload the previously downloaded Docker Runtime and install it via Install.
- as soon as the installation was successful, you can connect to the WAGO CC100 via an SSH client, for example Putty, and check the Docker version. The access data are ‘root’ and ‘wago’ by default.
docker -v
# Docker version 20.10.14-wago, build f0df241
The internal memory of the WAGO CC100 is sufficient for logiccloud Control. However, if you want to install additional containers, you should check whether you need to use an SD card to expand the memory. You can find out how to switch the Docker Runtime to the SD here: Switch Docker to SD card.
Install logiccloud Control
To install logiccloud Runtime on your CC100, please follow the instructions here: install logiccloud Control.
logiccloud Control Runtime
To access the inputs and outputs of your CC100 controller, you only need to create an access variable for each input and output. You can then assign this to any process variable within the project.
The names of the access variables must correspond to those specified here so that the inputs and outputs of the WAGO CC100 can be controlled. However, you can map these to any process variables in the project under Access Variables.
// Analog Inputs, represented as INT 0-10000, not writable
AI1, AI2: INT;
// Digital Inputs, not writable
DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5, DI6, DI7, DI8 : BOOL;
// Temperature Inputs, represented as INT 6020-29535, not writable
PT1, PT2 : REAL;
// Analog Outputs, represented as INT 0-10000, writable
AO1, AO2 : INT;
// Digital Outputs, writable
DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4 : BOOL;